Система управления молочным хозяйством


Вскрытие НАЧАЛО

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Система управления молочным хозяйством



Common Kidney Lesions

Notice the pale indented area on the kidney. This may be due to a decrease in oxygen or blood to the kidney causing an "infarction"
Notice how the outer layer of the kidney(cortex) looks thin and pale compared to the inner layer (medulla).
This is the outer surface of the kidney above. Here you can see that it looks scarred and small. This indicates a chronic disease of the kidney.
Notice the pale, yellow color of the kidney. The area with a red center is a cut portion of the kidney to show that it is the outer most layer (cortex) that is affected the most.
Both photos above are examples of a "White Spotted Kidney" You will see white spots all over the kidney surface. Be sure to cut into the kidney to see if the discoloration extends into the inner tissue.
The pale areas in this kidney are called infarcts. The red areas within the pale areas are due to hemorrhage. You will see them extend into the kidney on the cut surface.


Normal kidney tissue

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